Monday, 16 January 2017


You don't need to rush yourself to answer this question... Sit down,ask yourself these few questions like;what is success all about ?
How successful am I?
How many lives have I impacted positively ?

Success is the completion and fulfment of one's original intent ,purpose for your existence or why you were created.It is the completion of one's primarily assignment..for instance ;you were given an assignment by your boss and you completed it and came out successful, that is success - for you being able to complete it and come out successful, you have achieved success.
Success isn't making  a lot of money or having a big house with a car or having lots of friends ,lots of pictures on the is very simple ,it is you discovering your purpose and then completing it before you die ....It isn't measured by what you have compared to what others have done but purpose fulfilled ..
 The only person who knows how successful you are is you and GOD..

First question :have you discovered you reason for being on earth ?
Second question: If yes ,have you started working on it?
Third question: Have you completed it ?
Ask yourself these questions with all sincerity ....

Happy Reading ....

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